Three Myths of Repurpose Marketing

Right now the world is learning how to repurpose. Kitchen tables are the new workstations. Zoom is the new school teacher, yoga instructor, and athletic director. Face masks are now a fashion statement.
Yes, many of us have more time on our hands than we know what to do with.
But we’re also assisting our kids with new curriculums. We are napping more. We’re spending more time connecting…with our friends, our customers, ourselves. Entrepreneurs are learning to optimize their time and repurposing is the solution.
Repurposing is the one of the best ways for anyone with a business to maximize their exposure to the world through social media. There are 3 big myths about repurposing online content that people still believe. Let’s dispel those myths right now.
Myth #1: “Repurposing Is Only For Information Marketers”
Most people assume that they are not information marketers. The fact is, everyone who is selling something, on- or offline, is an information marketer. I make money from information marketing.
I’m a teacher, so I do three things well: I create curriculum; I deliver curriculum; and then I teach other people to do the same through coaching and consulting. I make money from circulating information.
The fact is — Everyone can use information to direct people to their business.
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This is true whether you are a marketer, a manufacturer, have an acupuncture studio or a dental practice. When I’m sitting in my dentist’s waiting room, I see her brochures. I’ve given her a great review on Yelp, and she’s got a website with valuable information about her practice.
She’s an information marketer.
Myth #2: “Repurposing Is Not As Engaging As New Content”
Repurposing is meeting people where they like to hang out, not where you like to hang out. Say they didn’t make it to your Facebook Live event, or they prefer to read rather than watch a video. How will you reach those people?
Go to them.
Repurpose your weekly Facebook Live event into several blog posts, or a podcast series they can listen to during their daily workout routine; or turn your blog posts into articles to post in LinkedIn discussion groups where people can comment, discuss and debate.
Repurposing is more engaging than a constant stream of new content because you’re going to where people hang out on social media and positioning yourself as an expert in your field that they can rely on again and again. If you’re reaching people where they are, you have more exposure, more reach and more engagement, not less.
Myth #3: “Repurposing Requires A Lot of Effort”
As an exposure tactic, repurposing is the easiest way to get your message out there. Because you are creating one piece of content that gets repurposed again and again and again. Once you set up a repurposing system it’s a matter of plugging that content into the system. You can actually end up spending less time on marketing and content creation because of an efficient repurposing system.
One tool that can help you is an editorial calendar that lets you track your content creation, topics and CTAs. We use a monthly editorial calendar at MOL so each month is a different topic or theme. We create content at the beginning of each month and then repurpose it throughout the month.
We drill down deep on that one topic and provide invaluable, well-researched content designed to position MOL as a thought-leader and resource in our field. We create content one time a month, at the beginning, and then plug that content into our repurposing wheel. The calendar lets up keep track of what themes and topics we cover and which CTAs we use each month.
The Wrap Up
Repurposing is a great tool for everyone with a business, no matter what business your in. It’s an excellent way to keep your followers, clients and customers engaged and plugged in to your content.
Finally, once you’ve set up your repurposing system it can actually lessen the amount of time you spend creating content and marketing that content while maximizing your exposure and engagement. Check out my editorial calendar at
Click here to get the editorial calendar template I use every month, which is a great tool that will help you organize your content and begin your repurposing journey. Save time and energy. Engage more and stay connected, even during pandemics.
What’s your favorite marketing tool to use during these crazy times?
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