What Thought Leaders Are Saying

“Alex is one of the best online networkers I know. He really does his research and gives before he asks to receive.”

Dr. Ivan Misner

“Alex Mandossian is legendary. He taught my team a virtual marketing model that double our profits in less than a month!”

Vishen Lakhiani

“Alex’s marketing strategies work. We filled all the seats at our Breakthrough to Success seminar and had a huge waiting list!”

Jack Canfield

“Alex can nail a target like no one else I’ve ever seen. He helps your dollars increase, your revenues go up, and your genius expand.”

Lisa Nichols

“Alex is one of the masters of marketing in the entire world. He’s a professional and really knows what he’s talking about.”

Brendon Burchard

“If you don’t know who Alex Mandossian is, you’re missing out on one of the secrets to growing your profits online and offline.”

John Assaraf

“Alex created a campaign that doubled the comments I get on my blog and lowered our workload there by 33%. Alex is one of the brightest marketers I’ve ever met!”

Keith Ferrazzi

Alex has my biggest support when it comes to teaching people marketing. He never led me in the wrong direction, he always gave me clarity with high quality content

Joe Polish

“I’ve learned so much from Alex’s strategies and have applied those to my business. Now I make a lot of money every month repeatedly, so be sure to listen to what Alex says.”

Alexandria Brown

“I consider Alex Mandossian to be the king of Electronic Marketing because he not only have “street smarts” with heart, but he backs up every strategy he teaches with hard-tested Case Studies.”

T. Harv Eker

“Alex is the master at teaching the ‘outer game’ marketing. He has taught me how to leverage the power of virtual presentation to accelerate the growth my business and size of my student body…”

Barbara DeAngelis

“Alex is the ‘pre-eminent’ strategist at virtual and electronic marketing. Follow what he teaches closely because he really knows what he’s talking about and gets his clients and students rapid results.”

Jay Abraham

“In my 40+ years in personal development, I’ve never ever been with anyone who interviews as well as Alex. I now know why he’s got such a phenomenal reputation as a Master Virtual Presenter.”

Bob Proctor

“Alex Mandossian is hands-down the best virtual interviewer I’ve ever worked with and his ‘Virtual Book Tour’ promotional strategy really works. He can put any book on the best-seller list!”

David Bach

“I acknowledge Alex in my presentations and talk about how proud I am to have worked with him. He is the consummate pro and someone I’ve admired as a seminal marketer for many years!”

Mari Smith

“There’s no doubt about it, Alex is the ‘Warren Buffett’ of online marketing. He helped me build and facilitate my Harvey Mackay Roundtable.”

Harvey Mackay

“Alex touches people so deeply with his ‘heart-centered’ approach when teach thought leaders how to market online. He is a gift to the ‘Human Potential’ movement.”

Janet Attwood

“Alex is a remarkable ‘Virtual Presenter’ and I was excited to have the chance to be interviewed by him. He has had a huge impact on my business.”

Dr. Jim Loehr

“I’m grateful to Alex for sharing ideas his marketing ideas and professional support when I needed it most. I appreciate the useful ‘plan of action’ he provided me as a friend.”

Bill Bartmann

“I appreciate Alex Mandossian’s contributions at our many our boot camp and for support the growth of our business all the time. He is a thoughtful, super talented guy who brings a lot to the table.”

Michael Masterson

“Alex is a terrific interviewer and skilled host! You’ll be fortunate if you ever get the chance to grab a ‘virtual interview’ with him because he does his homework and he’s super easy to work with.”

Bob Bly

“Alex Mandossian is a true professional. I have really enjoyed working with him because of the high-impact content he delivers. I wish him continued success with his students in years ahead.”

Brian Tracy

“The strategies that I learned from Alex Mandossian have made me a small fortune in my Internet business. He is without doubt one of the most talented ‘virtual presenters’ I’ve ever known.”

Tom Antion

“Alex’s marketing techniques simply make you money. I’ve never seen so many strategies that are so drop-dead powerful. He converts the most complicated ideas into practical action plans!”

Joe Vitale

“I was Alex’s partner for years. He knows what he is doing when it comes to ‘virtual presentation’ because he always leads by example. His techniques are worth their weight in gold.”

Armand Morin

“Alex Mandossian is definitely the ‘modern day Houdini of marketing.’ After spending just 23 minutes with him on the phone, I learned more moneymaking strategies than all of my radio interviews combined.”

Mike Litman

“I have never been more impressed by a marketing consultant in knowing what needs to be done to reach precisely the right clients… Our clients now really are clients for life through Alex’s principles.”

Joel Bauer

“My book ‘Payback Time’ was number one on the NY Times Bestsellers list and I thank Alex for his help in making this happen. His ‘Virtual Book Tours’ really work!”

Phil Town

“Alex’s marketing guidance is so valuable to my team and my launch. He is a Master Virtual Presenter who cares enough to exceed your expectations!”

Blair Singer

“I learned how to create content and increase participation with my ‘virtual’ audiences, and make more money by observing how Alex conducts his online presentations.”

Dean Jackson

“Alex has created many digital marketing methods that are rapidly becoming standard operating procedure in business. If you are given the opportunity to work with him, jump at the chance!”

Marlon Sanders

“Alex has a system and organized approach that is very, very simple and easy to follow. It doesn’t matter if you’re an Internet marketing ‘newbie’ or ‘veteran’ … his methods really work.”

Declan Dunn

“Alex Mandossian is the undisputed heavyweight champion in the ‘virtual’ marketing strategic world. I highly recommend you model his methods because your business will grow … really fast!”

Dave Lakhani

“Alex is the ‘Godfather of Internet marketing’ and knows the most successful people on the planet.”

Bill Baren

“Alex Mandossian is one of the most brilliant marketers I’ve ever met, follow what he says.”

Russell Brunson

“Alex Mandossian is the ONLY marketer I’ve paid to consult my family and my company.”

Richard Tan

“Alex showed me the importance staying ‘on track’ and ‘on course’ and as a result of his private mentoring my speeches are now clearer, stronger and shorter.”

Brandon Steiner

“Alex Mandossian is a great coach and his devotion to his clients and students stands out by showing them how to live a bigger, brighter future on their own terms!”

Dave Buck

“Alex hits the ball out of the park when he trains from the stage. I was amazed at how engaged Alex’s audience was while attending my first event!”

Dave Winfield

“Alex could become the ‘Larry King of WebTV.’ I enjoyed meeting him at my home.”

Larry King

“Alex was a champion interviewer during one of our Learning Annex teleseminars. I really enjoyed it.”

George Foreman

“Alex, bless you for being up to the sacred task of making the world a better place.”

Gay Hendricks

“Alex is my friend and mentor. He’s such a brilliant speaker and he has an impeccable track record. He was ‘Podcasting’ before we all called it that!”

Ray Edwards

“After having dinner with Alex, I must say he’s one of the most extraordinarily committed and impeccably convincing marketing professionals I’ve ever met.”

Michael Gerber

“Alex is so damn smart! I’m so glad we’re friends and every time we’ve talked on the phone have walked away with so many ‘AHA’ moments.”

Bill Harris

“I’m so deeply grateful to have met Alex. He’s a genius!”

Cathy Lee Crosby

“Every ‘King Arthur’ needs a ‘Merlin.’ Alex is my Merlin!”

Berny Dohrmann

“Alex opened me up to partnerships with extraordinary people!”

Alison Armstrong

“When I met Alex early in my Internet marketing career, he taught me how engage and enroll prospects with email follow-ups.”

Perry Marshall

“Alex is a brilliant marketer blessed with the expertise who knows how to ‘DO’ it, but he also has the skills to “TEACH” it to others”

Marci Shimoff

“Alex is a ‘7-figure Mentor’ and a very accomplished stage presenter. I especially love his Discover Your Verb’ talk I witnessed at Harvard.”

Lisa Sasevich

“Alex is an great teacher, leader and life long student. I can attest that he’s an extremely generous and grateful man.”

Luke Iorio

“Alex is my ‘Internet Marketing Sensei’ and he is a genius at creating and automating sales funnels. You should hire him!”

Loral Langemeier
Ryan Levesque

“Alex is original “Godfather of Ask” and I’m so grateful his wisdom, guidance and blessing in carrying forward the Ask Method.”

Ryan Levesque

“Alex is a master marketer who knows that learning requires not only hearing and applying, but also forgetting and remembering again.”

John Gray

“To be a great maestro, you must first play a lot of bad notes. Alex knows that his mistakes only make him a better marketer.”

Jeffrey Hayzlett

“Alex for helped me ‘kick-off’ my first ‘Altitude’ event as my top JV partner. He has a brilliant marketing who I learn from.”

Eben Pagan

“Alex is my marketing mentor and his ‘COI Method’ helped me attract my first $250K premium client!”

Muhammad Siddique

“Whenever I do a joint venture with Alex, I get so many new ideas to implement into my own business.”

Mike Filsaime

“Alex knows all about the power of the ‘Compound Effect’ in business because he walks his talk.”

Darren Hardy

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“Alex is brilliant when it comes to teaching street smart business owners how to identify their perfect ‘Message-to-Market’ match.”

Ian Marsh

“Alex Mandossian is my Mentor and friend. I admire how he ‘keeps his word’ when it comes to supporting JV partners.”

Clint Arthur

“Alex Mandossian’s reputation is legendary – he’s the original Guru of online marketing and turned out to be a profitable JV Partner!”

Todd Herman

“Alex is a ‘teacher’s teacher’ and when you experience his stage presentation, you see why!”

Mark Victor Hansen

“Alex has ‘cracked-the-code’ on how to enroll high-end clients after a product launch.”

Pete Vargas

“Alex can solve marketing problems in just seconds. When I’m stuck, I call him – problem solved!”

Mike Koenigs

“Alex is a marketing genius. He has a brilliant business mind and he’s willing to share his wisdom as a coach and a friend.”

Arielle Ford

“For me, Alex Mandossian really knows “virtual selling” and awakens his audiences to what’s real and what really matters.”

Jon Benson

“Alex is my trustworthy mentor and a gem of a friend. I hired him many years ago and he created magic for us!”

Randy Garn

“I’m so grateful for Alex’s wisdom and having him as a mentor.”

David McLurg

“Alex is a veteran marketer who other marketers model.”

Ted McGrath

“Alex’s webcast yielded the single biggest jump for our online list!”

Michael Hauge

“Alex is an amazing teacher, and his presentation style is easy to absorb. He’s a rare breed … combining practitioner + teacher”

Peng Joon

“I’ve known Alex since 2005 and his caring and experiential training style has impacted thousands of online marketers”

David Riklan

“Alex is a Guerrilla Marketing genius. His sincerity shines through with every presentation he delivers.”

Jay Conrad Levinson

“Alex’s sales templates will explode your business success, no matter who you are … he’s a remarkable teacher!”

Bart Baggett

“Alex’s marketing systems are easy to follow steps that anybody can understand and rake in huge profits.”

Shawn Casey

Alex is one of my first mentors and we often shared the stage in the very early days of Internet Marketing seminars.

Ryan Deiss

“Alex is one of the pioneers of digital marketing and has the ability to teach complex strategies in super simple ways.”

Perry Belcher

“Alex knows how to enroll our high-end War Room Mastermind members without appearing pushy or manipulative.”

Roland Frasier

“Alex is a pioneer of virtual sales persuasion and he had a significant influence on my Webinar marketing model I use today.”

Jason Fladlien

“I’ve critiqued & coached 10,000+ speakers and Alex is in the top three I have ever seen!”

Joel Weldon

“From what we learned from Alex, we got 46 of 157 paid high-end enrollments from one live event!”

Danny Iny
Dean Graziosi

“Alex is a genius and generous marketer because he doesn’t hold back on marketing strategies.”

Dean Graziosi
Garrett Gunderson

“The ‘Virtual Book Tour’ I promoted with Alex sold over three thousand of my books in 24 hours.”

Garrett Gunderson
Michael Drew

“Alex’s ‘reverse opt-in’ strategy is a counter-intuitive way to yield more pre-qualified prospects.”

Michael Drew
Roy H. Williams

“Alex has the gift of persuasion. Watch how he postures his video presentations online.”

Roy H. Williams
Allison Maslon

“Alex is one of the three most gifted marketers I know in the business. He’s brilliant and generous.”

Allison Maslon
Ted Thomas

“Alex is a special stage presenter who delivers rich content combined with entertainment.”

Ted Thomas
Renee Williams

” Alex has taught me more than I ever expected to learn and it has been worth every penny.”

Renee Williams
Bill Glazer

“Alex is a good friend, but it’s his teaching ability that separates him from other marketers.”

Bill Glazer
Shanda Sumpter

“When it comes to learning ‘repurposing’ strategies, I count on Alex to teach my community.”

Shanda Sumpter
Paul Colligan

“Alex can teach you how to leverage and ‘repurpose’ your content to maximize exposure and profits.”

Paul Colligan
Vic Conant

“Alex is a gifted interviewer and skilled marketer who can help any speaker get more visibility.”

Vic Conant
Frank Kern

“Alex taught marketers the power of ‘Ask Campaigns’ before Facebook advertising ever existed!”

Frank Kern
Sean Stephenson

“Alex is a one of the few people I trust to engage my clients with his marketing strategies.”

Sean Stephenson
Les Brown

“Alex really knows his marketing and teaches creative strategies to get sales without appearing pushy. I consider Alex a friend for life!”

Les Brown
Brian Scudamore

“Alex is a brilliant digital marketer because of the amount of time and effort he puts into his marketing and media messages.”

Brian Scudamore
Sharon Lechter

“I had the privilege to spend a day with Alex at a Mastermind meeting and I learn a lot of marketing insights from him.”

Sharon Lechter
Tucker Max

“Alex gave me a some great ideas about how to apply his ‘Identify Change’ principle to every workshop I run.”

Tucker Max
Robert Kiyosaki

“Alex is one of the best interviews I’ve had the privilege to work with. His questions are provocative and his commentary adds value to the conversation.”

Robert Kiyosaki
Michael Fishman

“One simple idea Alex recommended at a dinner we shared helped me fill 55%+ of my annual event one year in advance!”

Michael Fishman
Marcus DeMaria

“One counter-intuitive marketing strategy Alex suggested doubled the lifetime value of our members within 3 weeks!”

Marcus DeMaria
Sonia Ricotti

“Alex has an amazing marking mind and helped me uncover a ‘blindspot’ that removed a big bottleneck in my launch strategy.”

Sonia Ricotti
Angela Middleton

“I invested in Alex’s ‘Fractional CMO’ service and my two children (who work with me) are not far better presenters and closers.”

Angela Middleton

Media Room

5 Reasons Why Alex Mandossian is Newsworthy

  1. Over 700,000 Marketing Students on Four Continents

  2. Featured in Mass Media and TV News

  3. High-Impact Digital Content Published Worldwide

  4. Biography, Company Summary, Interesting Facts

  5. Contact Information to Get Private Access

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Acknowledged as the “Warren Buffett” of online marketing, Alex Mandossian is a “Master Trainer” with over 22,000 hours of virtual and on-stage presentation time since 1989. His expertise is to teach digital marketing strategies that put organizations into HIGH-GROWTH mode.

Explore Inviting Alex to a Speaking Gig


About Alex

The World’s Leading Master Trainer to Virtual Trainers

Who Are 100% Committed to Growing their Skillsets, Heart–Sets, Mindsets, and Balance Sheets to Expose their Message to Millions … Faster, Better, and Easier

“Caring is the ultimate competitive advantage.”

Virtual Presenters the world over turn to Master Trainer Alex Mandossian to expose and get more marketing reach for their clear, compelling, and consistent marketing messages … faster, better, and easier.